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About Place Journal

About Place Journal website displayed on a laptop

We are thrilled to tell you about a great initiative close to our hearts. Creature Works is proud to be involved in designing and managing the website for About Place Journal, a semi-annual online literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute.

About Place Journal solicits stories around a new topic defined by editors from the Black Earth Institute. Each issue includes prose of all forms, poetry, visual art, and photography that fit the current theme. The Journal is a testament to the creative spirit of the contributors who pour their hearts and souls into each piece they create.

Jesse Hughes, our talented layout editor, wo

rks closely with the Journal’s editors and contributors to design the layout of each issue. With her skills and expertise, Jesse ensures that each story is presented in the most visually appealing way possible, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the content.

We are also responsible for managing the websites for the Journal and its parent organization, the Black Earth Institute. We ensure that the websites are easy to navigate, visually engaging, and user-friendly, allowing readers to quickly access the content they seek.

About Place Journal and the Black Earth Institute help promote creativity, intellectualism, and community engagement. Art and literature unite people, bridge divides, and promote understanding and compassion. We want to thank the editors and contributors of the About Place Journal and the Black Earth Institute for their tireless dedication to promoting the arts and the power of storytelling.